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Appraisal and emotion regulation in anger situations: differences between Spanish and Romanian women
Filella Guiu, Gemma; Ros Morente, Agnès; Oriol Granado, Xavier; Adina Ignat, Aurora; Clipa, Otilia
This study aimed to explore the differences between a sample of Spanish women and another sample of Romanian women in terms of appraisal, use of emotional regulation strategies and the time it takes to regulate anger situations. Results showed significant differences between the two samples in the frequency of occurrence when facing episodes of anger. In addition, Spanish women exhibited more active physiology, social isolation, self-control and discharge when regulating these situations, while Romanian women showed greater use of behavioural distraction, inhibition and suppression.
-Emotion regulation
-Spanish and Romanian women
-Educació emocional
cc-by (c) Georgian Technical University, 2016
Georgian Technical University

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