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Comparision of urban upgrading projects on development cooperation in Ethiopia
Tolon, Uli Wessling
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Infraestructura del Transport i del Territori; Magrinyà Torner, Francesc
Ethiopia is the only African country that has not been colonized, except for a 4-years period by the Italians of Mussolini. It has a population of 76.5 million (2007) and has an extension of 1.1 sq km. Urban development cooperation began in Addis Ababa through the World Bank, who financed in the early 80’s the first upgrading project in the capital city, due to the bad urban conditions and the acute existing housing shortage. This factor, among others, leaded to the entrance of other international NGO engaged on urban upgrading programmes. In this context, this study aims to compare and analyze five upgrading projects carried out in Ethiopia. This letter is part of an extensive research carried out by GRECDH, a research team on human development cooperation of the “Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya”. Particularly, the aim of this paper is to study the Ethiopian urban profile, to evaluate five urban upgrading projects, and to identify the different actors involved in these projects. For this study, a two months visit was done between October and November 2007 for the identification of the analysed projects. These projects are located in Sole Chefa, Wukro, Alamata and Addis Ababa. The first two projects are both water supply projects. The first one, is a rural water supply project carried out in Sole Chefa, 200 km south from Addis Ababa, by the local NGO EOC-DICAC, in the context of a country level Water Bank programme of the international NGO Intermón Oxfam (IO). Even though this is not an urban project, it has been analyzed as the first step for upgrading programmes since water is required for any urban area. The project ended satisfactory providing water to a town of 9,000 inhabitants for € 140,000. The second project is a water supply project carried out in the city of Wukro by the Spanish NGO “Ingenieros para la Cooperación”. The project was about the extension of a water network for 30,000 people with the approximate cost of € 300,000. However, it is not finished yet due to the delay of many actuations because of misunderstandings with the municipality of Wukro. The third one is a housing project done by the Missionaries of Charity in the city of Alamata. It was about the construction of 64 housing units for the poorest of Alamata. The project cost € 54,000 and was fund by many German Organizations and by the Spanish foundation “Fundació Homac”. The last two projects are in Addis Ababa. The first is an integrated urban development programme in the Entoto area. It was carried out by the local NGO PRO PRIDE, with the support of ActionAid Ethiopia, between 1997 and 2004. It cost million € 1 and beneficiated to around 50,000 people. The second programme of Addis Ababa is a huge municipal housing programme launched in 2005 by the municipality with the technical advice of GTZ IS, a branch of the German Cooperation Agency GTZ, who works closely with the Ethiopian government. Initial plan was to build over 50,000 housing units in 5 years for million € 60. Currently, 60,000 housing units have been built and the plan is to build 400,000 more. The results and conclusions are that the analysis of the projects through the iterative urbanization theory (Magrinyà, 2005) locates the different projects in the different stages of urban evolution, from rural water supply to G+4 housing provision in the capital city. Furthermore, in general terms, the investment per beneficiary increases as the level of urban infrastructure or shelter provided does: € 10-15 in water projects, € 20-30 in general upgrading programmes such as access road and drainage improvement, € 40-50 when other service facilities such as schools are provided; and up to € 250-350 when housing is provided. The analyse has identified the development cooperation organizations as financiers of services and infrastructures (Missionaries of Charity, “Ingenieros para la Cooperación”), as community empowers through the upgrading activities (PRO PRIDE, EOC-DICAC) and as organizations with the aim of changing the country policies, from outside (IO) and from inside (GTZ).
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria civil
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria civil::Infraestructures i modelització dels transports
-City planning
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
Bachelor Thesis
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

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