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Metallicity as a Source of Dispersion in the SNIa Bolometric Light Curve Luminosity-width Relationship
Bravo Guil, Eduardo; Domínguez, Inmaculada; Badenes Montoliu, Carles; Piersanti, Luciano; Straniero, Oscar
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GAA - Grup d'Astronomia i Astrofísica
The recognition that the metallicity of Type Ia supernova (SNIa) progenitors might bias their use for cosmological applications has led to an increasing interest in its role in shaping SNIa light curves. We explore the sensitivity of the synthesized mass of 56Ni, M(56Ni), to the progenitor metallicity starting from pre-main-sequence models with masses M0 = 2–7 M_ and metallicities Z = 10−5–0.10. The interplay between convective mixing and carbon burning during the simmering phase eventually raises the neutron excess, η, and leads to a smaller 56Ni yield, but does not change substantially the dependence of M(56Ni) on Z. Uncertain attributes of the progenitor white dwarf, like the central density, have a minor effect on M(56Ni). Our main results are: (1) a sizeable amount of 56Ni is synthesized during incomplete Si-burning, which leads to a stronger dependence of M(56Ni) on Z than obtained by assuming that 56Ni is produced in material that burns fully to nuclear statistical equilibrium; (2) in onedimensional delayed detonation simulations a composition dependence of the deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) density gives a nonlinear relationship betweenM(56Ni) and Z and predicts a luminosity larger than previously thought at low metallicities (however, the progenitor metallicity alone cannot explain the whole observational scatter of SNIa luminosities); and (3) an accurate measurement of the slope of the Hubble residuals versus metallicity for a large enough data set of SNIa might give clues to the physics of DDT in thermonuclear explosions.
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Física
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Física::Astronomia i astrofísica
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
Article - Published version

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Bravo Guil, Eduardo; Piersanti, Luciano; Domínguez, Inmaculada; Straniero, Oscar; Isern Vilaboy, Jordi; Escartín Vigo, José Antonio
Domínguez, Inmaculada; Bravo Guil, Eduardo; Piersanti, Luciano; Straniero, Oscar; Tornambé, Amedeo
Domínguez, Inmaculada; Piersanti, Luciano; Cabezón Gómez, Rubén Martín; Zamora, O.; García Senz, Domingo; Abia, C.; Straniero, Oscar
Piersanti, Luciano; Bravo Guil, Eduardo; Cristallo, Sergio; Domínguez Aguilera, Inmaculada; Straniero, Oscar; Tornambé, Amedeo; Martínez Pinedo, Gabriel
Badenes Montoliu, Carles; Bravo Guil, Eduardo; Borkowski, K.J.; Domínguez, Inmaculada


