Corpus Oral de Registres (COR)


Publications in public/open access derived from the research activities of faculty members at the Universitat de Barcelona.

Recent Submissions

Alturo, Núria; Bladas Martí, Òscar; Payà, Marta; Payrató, Lluís, 1960-
Alturo, Núria; Bladas Martí, Òscar; Payà, Marta; Payrató, Lluís, 1960-
Alturo, Núria; Bladas Martí, Òscar; Payà, Marta; Payrató, Lluís, 1960-
Alturo, Núria; Bladas Martí, Òscar; Payà, Marta; Payrató, Lluís, 1960-
Alturo, Núria; Bladas Martí, Òscar; Payà, Marta; Payrató, Lluís, 1960-

All the research contents at RECERCAT from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) are obtained from the research collections at its institutional repository Diposit Digital de la UB.
If you are a member of the UB and you are interested in publishing research contents here please contact or read the instructions.

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