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Análisis comparativo de criterios técnicos pecuarios vs. criterios empíricos de pastoras indígenas en materia de genética ovina
Perezgrovas Garza, Raúl; Parés Casanova, Pere-Miquel; Zaragoza Martínez, María de Lourdes; Rodríguez Galván, María Guadalupe
In order to compare technical criteria (length and proportion of long-coarse, short-fine and kemp fibres, yield after alcohol scouring, and distribution of fibre diameter) of agricultural experts and the empirical ones of native women regarding wool quality (staple length, amount of long-coarse fibres, and fleece volume), fleeces from 35 breeds of indigenous sheep were evaluated utilizing technical indicators, and the results were contrasted with the classification of the same breeds using empirical criteria. There was a general 80% coincidence between the two classification systems, both discriminating the reference breed (hair sheep) and enlisting those that could be useful for textile labour. The antagonism was pinpointed between the best breed under technical criteria (Merino), which was the worse for textile purposes according to the native women. Empirical wisdom can and should be equally compared to technical knowledge, and should be considered as integral part of research and development interventions.
-local knowledge
-Wool quality
-endogenous development
-textile aptitude
-Bestiar oví
(c) Héctor Gerardo Nolasco Soria, 2014
Artículo - Versión publicada
Héctor Gerardo Nolasco Soria

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