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Effective mission implementation: the three dimensions of the mission
Rey Peña, Carlos; Bastons Prat, Miquel
Several authors have shown that there is a certain “gap” in mission theory, which in practice explains the lack of actual effectiveness in mission implementation. In many cases, this loss is due to members of the organization being insufficiently motivated by the mission. This conceptual article aims to bridge the gap by analysing the relationship between the mission of a company and its members’ motivation. It entails an extension of mission and motivation theory, in which three dimensions of mission development are analysed: formal, operational and motivational. At the same time, the role of prosocial motivation in effective mission development is highlighted, as, other than extrinsic and extrinsic motivation, it is oriented to satisfying the needs of others. In addition to identifying the various dimensions of mission implementation, the relationship and the possible forms of coherence and incoherence between them is analysed, which explain the success or failure of the effective implementation of corporate missions.
-Employee motivation
-Motivación en el trabajo
-Empreses--Direcció i administració
-Dirección de empresas
-Industrial management
-Business planning
-Planificación de empresas
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Article - Accepted version
OmniaScience Publisher

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