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Lagrangian-Hamiltonian unified formalism for field theory
Echeverría Enríquez, Arturo; López, Carlos; Marín Solano, Jesús; Muñoz Lecanda, Miguel Carlos; Román Roy, Narciso
Universitat de Barcelona
The RuskSkinner formalism was developed in order to give a geometrical unified formalism for describing mechanical systems. It incorporates all the characteristics of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian descriptions of these systems (including dynamical equations and solutions, constraints, Legendre map, evolution operators, equivalence, etc.). In this work we extend this unified framework to first-order classical field theories, and show how this description comprises the main features of the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, both for the regular and singular cases. This formulation is a first step toward further applications in optimal control theory for partial differential equations. 2004 American Institute of Physics.
-Equacions en derivades parcials
-Teoria de camps (Física)
-Partial differential equations
-Field theory
(c) American Institute of Physics, 2004
Article - Published version
American Institute of Physics

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Echeverría Enríquez, Arturo; Muñoz Lecanda, Miguel Carlos; Román Roy, Narciso
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Barbero Liñán, María; Echeverría Enríquez, Arturo; Martín de Diego, David; Muñoz Lecanda, Miguel Carlos; Román Roy, Narciso
Barbero Liñán, María; Echeverría Enríquez, Arturo; Martín de Diego, David; Muñoz Lecanda, Miguel Carlos; Román Roy, Narciso


