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Sediment and plankton lift off recirculations in strong synthetic turbulence (KS)
Redondo Apraiz, José Manuel; Castilla López, Roberto; Sekula, Emil; Furmanek, Petr
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Física Aplicada; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Mecànica de Fluids; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. DF - Dinàmica No Lineal de Fluids
The study of particle diffusion and of turbulent sedimentation is of great importance in many geophysical fields, such as in Environmental Science or Oceanography as well as in Bio-environmental and industrial processes. For a long time, the study of diffusion was numerically computed with random free paths, which gives Brownian behavior. These stochastics methods have the objection that do not take into account the flow profile. On the other hand, there are many ways to simulate a fluid flow, but when this is turbulent our aim is to simulate the behaviour of neutral or heavy and inertial particles of biological or geological nature in a turbulent flow, in a simple way with a kinematically simulated model and to validate the results. We use the Kinematic Simulation (KS) model, also known as Synthetic Turbulence to model several environmental situations, both in the Atmosphere and the Ocean.
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Física
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria mecànica::Mecànica de fluids
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
Article - Published version
Conference Object

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Furmanek, Petr; Redondo Apraiz, José Manuel; García Carrillo, Àgueda; Tellez Alvarez, Jackson David; Arellano, Raul; Sanchez, Jesus maria
Redondo Apraiz, José Manuel; Carrillo Cortés, José Alejandro; Díez Rilova, Margarita; Jorge Sánchez, Juan; Sekula, Emil
Redondo Apraiz, José Manuel; Arellano, Raul; Carrillo Cortés, José Alejandro; Matulka, Annia; Ben Mahjoub, Otman; Sekula, Emil
Platónov, Alexéi Konstantínovich; Carrillo Cortés, José Alejandro; Matulka, Anna Magdalena; Sekula, Emil; Grau Barceló, Joan; Redondo Apraiz, José Manuel; Tarquis, Ana Maria
Tarquis Alfonso, Ana Maria; Platonov, A.; Matulka, Anna Magdalena; Grau, J.; Sekula, Emil; Diez, M.; Redondo Apraiz, José Manuel


