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Lipid binding by the unique and SH3 domains of c-Src suggests a new regulation mechanism
Pérez, Yolanda; Mattei, Mariano; Igea, Ana; Amata, Irene; Gairí Tahull, Margarida; Nebreda, Àngel R.; Bernadó Peretó, Pau; Pons Vallès, Miquel
Universitat de Barcelona
c-Src is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase involved in numerous signal transduction pathways. The kinase,SH3 and SH2 domains of c-Src are attached to the membrane-anchoring SH4 domain through the flexible Unique domain. Here we show intra- and intermolecular interactions involving the Unique and SH3 domains suggesting the presence of a previously unrecognized additional regulation layer in c-Src. We have characterized lipid binding by the Unique and SH3 domains, their intramolecular interaction and its allosteric modulation by a SH3-binding peptide or by Calcium-loaded calmodulin binding to the Unique domain. We also show reduced lipid binding following phosphorylation at conserved sites of the Unique domain. Finally, we show that injection of full-length c-Src with mutations that abolish lipid binding by the Unique domain causes a strong in vivo phenotype distinct from that of wild-type c-Src in a Xenopus oocyte model system, confirming the functional role of the Unique domain in c-Src regulation.
-Proteïnes quinases
-Receptors cel·lulars
-Regulació cel·lular
-Lligands (Bioquímica)
-Protein kinases
-Cell receptors
-Cellular control mechanisms
-Ligands (Biochemistry)
cc-by-nc-nd (c) Pérez, Yolanda et al., 2013
Article - Published version
Nature Publishing Group

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Amata, Irene; Maffei, Mariano; Igea, Ana; Gay i Marín, Marina; Vilaseca Casas, Mart; Nebreda, Àngel R.; Pons Vallès, Miquel
Arbesú Andrés, Miguel; Maffei, Mariano, 1985- ; Cordeiro, Tiago N.; Teixeira, Joao M. C.; Pérez, Yolanda; Bernadó Peretó, Pau; Roche, Serge; Pons Vallès, Miquel
López, A.; Herranz-Trillo, F.; Kotev, Martin; Gairí Tahull, Margarida; Guallar, V.; Bernadó Peretó, Pau; Millet Aguilar-Galindo, Òscar; Tarragó Clua, Maria Teresa; Giralt Lledó, Ernest
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Jaeger, Samira; Igea, Ana; Arroyo Sánchez, Rodrigo; Alcalde, Victor; Canovas, Begoña; Orozco López, Modesto; Nebreda, Àngel R.; Aloy, Patrick, 1972-


