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"Suddenly I get into the zone": Examining discontinuities and nonlinear changes in flow experiences at work
Ceja, Lucía; Navarro Cid, José
Universitat de Barcelona
Work-related flow is defined as a sudden and enjoyable merging of action and awareness that represents a peak experience in the daily lives of workers. Employees" perceptions of challenge and skill and their subjective experiences in terms of enjoyment, interest and absorption were measured using the experience sampling method, yielding a total of 6981 observations from a sample of 60 employees. Linear and nonlinear approaches were applied in order to model both continuous and sudden changes. According to the R2, AICc and BIC indexes, the nonlinear dynamical systems model (i.e. cusp catastrophe model) fit the data better than the linear and logistic regression models. Likewise, the cusp catastrophe model appears to be especially powerful for modelling those cases of high levels of flow. Overall, flow represents a nonequilibrium condition that combines continuous and abrupt changes across time. Research and intervention efforts concerned with this process should focus on the variable of challenge, which, according to our study, appears to play a key role in the abrupt changes observed in work-related flow.
-Teories no lineals
-Anàlisi de regressió
-Satisfacció en el treball
-Nonlinear theories
-Regression analysis
-Job satisfaction
(c) Ceja, Lucia et al., 2012
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