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Current status and trends of the environmental performance in European ports
Puig Duran, Martí; Wooldridge, Chris; Michail, Antonis; Darbra Roman, Rosa Maria
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Química; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CERTEC - Centre d'Estudis del Risc Tecnològic
This paper investigates the current status and trends over time in the environmental performance of European ports. The research is based on the provision of data from 79 European ports on issues related to their environmental management, environmental priorities and current environmental monitoring practices. This study updates previous environmental reviews, so that the trends over time are drawn. For instance, 90% of respondent ports stated that they have an environmental policy and 94% of ports have designated environmental personnel. The percentage of ports that have an Environmental Management System has increased by +33% in the last 9 years. Air quality, port waste and energy consumption emerged as the three major environmental priorities of the European port sector in 2013. The research also reveals the diversity amongst European ports in terms of size and physical surroundings. Some examples are presented on specific initiatives carried out by sector organisations about the Top-10 port priority issues. The future expectations of European ports on data collection and reporting are described
Peer Reviewed
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria química
-Environmental Performance Indicators
-Environmental management
-Sustainable development
-Port management
-Environmental monitoring
-Ports -- Gestió
Article - Submitted version

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