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A Functional Safety OpenMP∗ for Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems
Royuela, Sara; Duran, Alejandro; Serrano, Maria A.; Quiñones, Eduardo; Martorell, Xavier
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
OpenMP* has recently gained attention in the embedded domain by virtue of the augmentations implemented in the last specification. Yet, the language has a minimal impact in the embedded real-time domain mostly due to the lack of reliability and resiliency mechanisms. As a result, functional safety properties cannot be guaranteed. This paper analyses in detail the latest specification to determine whether and how the compliant OpenMP implementations can guarantee functional safety. Given the conclusions drawn from the analysis, the paper describes a set of modifications to the specification, and a set of requirements for compiler and runtime systems to qualify for safety critical environments. Through the proposed solution, OpenMP can be used in critical real-time embedded systems without compromising functional safety.
This work was funded by the EU project P-SOCRATES (FP7-ICT-2013- 10) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under contract TIN2015- 65316-P.
Peer Reviewed
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria electrònica
-High performance computing
-Embedded domain
-Real-time embedded systems
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
Article - Submitted version
Book Part

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