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Intrapulse x-ray parametric amplification in high-order-harmonic generation
Serrat Jurado, Carles
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Física; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. DONLL - Dinàmica no Lineal, Òptica no Lineal i Làsers
We demonstrate strong-field-driven impulsive XUV-x-ray parametric amplification (IXPA) processes in high-order harmonic generation at the single-atom level by using ab initio calculations. We consider the example of Li+ ions exposed simultaneously to an intense IR pulse and a weak 200-as XUV-x-ray pulse with central photon energies varying from 90 to 400 eV. We determine optimal parameter ranges and the precise delays between the IR and the XUV-x-ray pulses for IXPA to occur. The present results might be a guide to achieve exponential growth of the XUV-x-ray signal in tabletop XUV-x-ray lasers.
Peer Reviewed
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Física
-Laser pulses, Ultrashort
-Attosecond light-pulses
-Laser fields
-Làsers d'impulsos ultracurts
-Harmònics (Ones elèctriques)
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