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Clinical variables predicting the risk of a hospital stay for longer than 7 days in patients with severe acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a prospective study
Crisafulli, Ernesto; Ielpo, Antonella; Barbeta, Enric; Ceccato, Adrian; Huerta, Arturo; Gabarrús, Albert; Soler Porcar, Néstor; Chetta, Alfredo; Torres Martí, Antoni
Universitat de Barcelona
-Malalties pulmonars obstructives cròniques
-Malalts hospitalitzats
-Factors de risc en les malalties
-Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
-Hospital patients
-Risk factors in diseases
cc-by (c) Crisafulli, Ernesto et al., 2018
Article - Published version
BioMed Central

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Crisafulli, Ernesto; Ielpo, Antonella; Barbeta, Enric; Ceccato, Adrian; Huerta, Arturo; Gabarrús, Albert; Soler Porcar, Néstor; Chetta, Alfredo; Torres Martí, Antoni
Crisafulli, Ernesto; Guerrero, Mónica; Ielpo, Antonella; Ceccato, Adrian; Huerta, Arturo; Gabarrús, Albert; Soler Porcar, Néstor; Chetta, Alfredo; Torres Martí, Antoni
Crisafulli, Ernesto; Guerrero, Mónica; Ielpo, Antonella; Ceccato, Adrian; Huerta, Arturo; Gabarrús, Albert; Soler Porcar, Néstor; Chetta, Alfredo; Torres Martí, Antoni
Guerrero, Mónica; Crisafulli, Ernesto; Liapikou, Adamantia; Huerta, Arturo; Gabarrús, Albert; Chetta, Alfredo; Soler Porcar, Néstor; Torres Martí, Antoni
Guerrero Pérez, Mónica; Crisafulli, Ernesto; Liapikou, Adamantia; Huerta, Arturo; Gabarrús, Albert; Chetta, Alfredo; Soler Porcar, Néstor; Torres Martí, Antoni


