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Exploratory Factor Analysis and psychometric properties of CERQ in a police candidates sample
Cano, Mireia; Niñerola, Jordi; Sancho, Laia; Martinez, Inés; Figueras Masip, Anna
The present study aimed to analyse the factorial structure of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) in police officer candidates from Catalonia (Spain). A second objective is to analyse the reliability and internal consistency of the nine factors of the CERQ as determined by dimensionality analysis. Conclusions: CERQ has good psychometric indices, making it a good tool for the assessment of emotional stability. The labels should be reconsidered depending on the profession. Recode for non-clinical samples. The Test-Retest analysis doesn't identify a profile of police officer candidates "adaptive" vs "less adaptive", because the people in the sample are very similar. Validation of CERQ in a sample of police candidates is a step forward in studying emotional coping strategies in the assesment and trainning of police candidates. In this regard, the integration of different coping strategies prove to be a good predictor of performance in police trainning.
Pòster presentat a l’Annual Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law que es va celebrar a Cluj-Napoca (Romania) 4 i 7 de juliol 2023
Formació policial -- Aspectes psicològics -- Catalunya
Gestió de l'estrés
Policia -- Psicologia
Personalitat i emocions
Policia -- Catalunya -- Selecció i nomenament -- Aspectes psicològics
Formació policial -- Aspectes psicològics -- Congressos
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Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya

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