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Evaluation of the color-based image segmentation capabilities of a compact mobile robot agent based on Google Android Smartphone
Martínez Lacasa, Daniel; Moreno Blanc, Javier; Font Calafell, Davinia; Tresánchez Ribes, Marcel; Pallejà Cabrè, Tomàs; Teixidó Cairol, Mercè; Palacín Roca, Jordi
This paper presents the evaluation of the image segmentation capabilities of a mobile robot agent based on a Google Android Smartphone. The mobile agent was designed to operate autonomously in an environment inspired in a soccer game. The pixel-based color image segmentation capabilities was performed by testing different two-dimensional look up tables created from two-dimensional color histograms of the objects appearing in the scenario. The best segmentation alternative was obtained when using of a two-dimensional look up table based on the H (hue) and V (value) color image description. The final conclusion is that a Google Android Smartphone has enough potential to define an autonomous mobile robot agent and play a game that requires color-based image segmentation capabilities.
-Mobile robot agent
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2013
Springer International Publishing Switzerland

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