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Do sputum or circulating blood samples reflect the pulmonary transcriptomic differences of COPD patients? A multi-tissue transcriptomic network META-analysis
Faner, Rosa; Morrow, Jarrett D.; Casas Recasens, Sandra; Cloonan, Suzanne M.; Noell, Guillaume; López Giraldo, Alejandra; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Miller, Bruce E.; Silverman, Edwin K.; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Hersh, Craig P.
Universitat de Barcelona
-Malalties pulmonars obstructives cròniques
-Marcadors bioquímics
-Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
-Biochemical markers
cc-by (c) Faner, Rosa et al., 2019
Article - Versió publicada
BioMed Central

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Faner, Rosa; Morrow, Jarrett D.; Casas Recasens, Sandra; Cloonan, Suzanne M.; Noell, Guillaume; López Giraldo, Alejandra; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Miller, Bruce E.; Silverman, Edwin K.; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Hersh, Craig P.
Menche, Jörg; Sharma, Amitabh; Cho, Michael H.; Mayer, Ruth J.; Rennard, Stephen I.; Celli, Bartolome R.; Miller, Bruce E.; Locantore, Nicholas; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Ghosh, Soumitra; Larminie, Chris; Bradley, Glyn; Riley, John H.; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Silverman, Edwin K.; Barabási, Albert László
Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Calverley, Peter M.; Celli, Bartolome R.; Coxson, Harvey O.; Edwards, Lisa D.; Lomas, David A.; MacNee, William; Miller, Bruce E.; Rennard, Stephen I.; Silverman, Edwin K.; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Wouters, Emiel; Yates, Julie C.; Vestbo, Jørgen
Vestbo, Jørgen; Edwards, Lisa D.; Scanlon, Paul D.; Yates, Julie C.; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Bakke, Per; Calverley, Peter M.; Celli, Bartolome R.; Coxson, Harvey O.; Crim, Courtney; Lomas, David A.; MacNee, William; Miller, Bruce E.; Silverman, Edwin K.; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Wouters, Emiel; Rennard, Stephen I.
Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Edwards, Lisa D.; Rennard, Stephen I.; MacNee, William; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Miller, Bruce E.; Vestbo, Jørgen; Lomas, David A.; Calverley, Peter M.; Wouters, Emiel; Crim, Courtney; Yates, Julie C.; Silverman, Edwin K.; Coxson, Harvey O.; Bakke, Per; Mayer, Ruth J.; Celli, Bartolome R.