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Do sputum or circulating blood samples reflect the pulmonary transcriptomic differences of COPD patients? A multi-tissue transcriptomic network META-analysis
Faner, Rosa; Morrow, Jarrett D.; Casas Recasens, Sandra; Cloonan, Suzanne M.; Noell, Guillaume; López Giraldo, Alejandra; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Miller, Bruce E.; Silverman, Edwin K.; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Hersh, Craig P.
BACKGROUND: Previous studies have identified lung, sputum or blood transcriptomic biomarkers associated with the severity of airflow limitation in COPD. Yet, it is not clear whether the lung pathobiology is mirrored by these surrogate tissues. The aim of this study was to explore this question. METHODS: We used Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA) to identify shared pathological mechanisms across four COPD gene-expression datasets: two sets of lung tissues (L1 n = 70; L2 n = 124), and one each of induced sputum (S; n = 121) and peripheral blood (B; n = 121). RESULTS: WGCNA analysis identified twenty-one gene co-expression modules in L1. A robust module preservation between the two L datasets was observed (86%), with less preservation in S (33%) and even less in B (23%). Three modules preserved across lung tissues and sputum (not blood) were associated with the severity of airflow limitation. Ontology enrichment analysis showed that these modules included genes related to mitochondrial function, ion-homeostasis, T cells and RNA processing. These findings were largely reproduced using the consensus WGCNA network approach. CONCLUSIONS: These observations indicate that major differences in lung tissue transcriptomics in patients with COPD are poorly mirrored in sputum and are unrelated to those determined in blood, suggesting that the systemic component in COPD is independently regulated. Finally, the fact that one of the preserved modules associated with FEV1 was enriched in mitochondria-related genes supports a role for mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathobiology of COPD.
-Malalties pulmonars obstructives cròniques
-Marcadors bioquímics
-Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
-Biochemical markers
cc-by (c) Faner, Rosa et al., 2019
Article - Published version
BioMed Central

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Faner, Rosa; Morrow, Jarrett D.; Casas Recasens, Sandra; Cloonan, Suzanne M.; Noell, Guillaume; López Giraldo, Alejandra; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Miller, Bruce E.; Silverman, Edwin K.; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Hersh, Craig P.
Menche, Jörg; Sharma, Amitabh; Cho, Michael H.; Mayer, Ruth J.; Rennard, Stephen I.; Celli, Bartolome R.; Miller, Bruce E.; Locantore, Nicholas; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Ghosh, Soumitra; Larminie, Chris; Bradley, Glyn; Riley, John H.; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Silverman, Edwin K.; Barabási, Albert László
Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Calverley, Peter M.; Celli, Bartolome R.; Coxson, Harvey O.; Edwards, Lisa D.; Lomas, David A.; MacNee, William; Miller, Bruce E.; Rennard, Stephen I.; Silverman, Edwin K.; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Wouters, Emiel; Yates, Julie C.; Vestbo, Jørgen
Vestbo, Jørgen; Edwards, Lisa D.; Scanlon, Paul D.; Yates, Julie C.; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Bakke, Per; Calverley, Peter M.; Celli, Bartolome R.; Coxson, Harvey O.; Crim, Courtney; Lomas, David A.; MacNee, William; Miller, Bruce E.; Silverman, Edwin K.; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Wouters, Emiel; Rennard, Stephen I.
Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Edwards, Lisa D.; Rennard, Stephen I.; MacNee, William; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Miller, Bruce E.; Vestbo, Jørgen; Lomas, David A.; Calverley, Peter M.; Wouters, Emiel; Crim, Courtney; Yates, Julie C.; Silverman, Edwin K.; Coxson, Harvey O.; Bakke, Per; Mayer, Ruth J.; Celli, Bartolome R.


