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Computer vision interaction for people with severe movement restrictions
Mauri, César; Granollers i Saltiveri, Toni; Lorés Vidal, Jesús; García, Mabel
In this paper we present the starting point of research in applying humancomputer interaction (HCI) techniques to help people with cerebral palsy to use computers via vision-based interaction. Our work includes the development and improvement of visionbased assistive technology, which was tested in experiments with cerebral palsy users. A brief review of current assistive technologies for severely physically impaired people and an explanation of the developed applications of such technologies are also presented. The final part of the paper describes the experimentation goals, process, and preliminary results. Future work directions are also indicated.
-Cerebral palsy
-Physically disabled users
-Computer vision interaction
-Visió artificial (Robòtica)
-Visió per ordinador
cc-by-nc, (c) Mauri et al., 2006
Agora Center

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