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AMEEDA: A general-purpose mapping tool for parallel applications on dedicated clusters
Yuan, X.; Roig Mateu, Concepció; Ripoll, A.; Senar, M.A.; Guirado Fernández, Fernando; Luque, Emilio
The mapping of parallel applications constitutes a difficult problem for which very few practical tools are available. AMEEDA has been developed in order to overcome the lack of a general-purpose mapping tool. The automatic services provided in AMEEDA include instrumentation facilities, parameter extraction modules and mapping strategies. With all these services, and a novel graph formalism called TTIG, users can apply different mapping strategies to the corresponding application through an easy-to-use GUI, and run the application on a PVM cluster using the desired mapping. This work was supported by the MCyT under contract 2001-2592 and partially sponsored by the Generalitat de Catalunya (G. de Rec. Consolidat 2001SGR-00218).
(c) Springer Verlag, 2002
Springer Verlag

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