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La politización de la etnicidad en la región andina: Apuntes sobre un debate inconcluso
Bretón, Víctor
This article addresses the engagement of the social sciences with the contemporary emergence of ethnic agendas in the Andean region. It stresses the relevance of these approaches that arose both from the political economy and also from constructivist views that privilege the strategic dimension of collective identities. While discussing these issues, the paper emphasizes the need to research the circumstances that aided the politicization of ethnicity - as well as its eventual de-politicization or relative politicization - in the contexts of countries such as Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia between the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century. Keywords: ethnicity, new social movements, Andes, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.
-Movimientos sociales
-Moviments socials
-Social movements
cc-by (c) Bretón, 2015
Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation Amsterdam

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