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Cómo afrontar la muerte y el duelo en el aula;
La necesidad de la figura del psicopedagogo en los procesos de muerte y duelo infantil y juvenil
Ramos Pla, Anabel; Selfa Sastre, Moisés; Camats Guardia, Ramon
The need for an educational of death at school is more than necessary as the loss of a loved one is a reality that requires guidance and support which, at present, is not seen as an apprenticeship in the school curriculum from Kindergarten, Primary School and High School. In this paper we propose some of the actions that should conduct an educational psychologist to death processes that affect the school. While it is true that death is a taboo of the century, as educators should anyone break away to the student scheme of reality. In short, it aims to link the school curriculum with daily life, in order that the school can apply the lessons learned in their daily lives. In this way, students would be formed not only as learners, but as people capable of facing different life realities.
-Pedagogía de la muerte
-Innovación educativa
(c) Wolters Kluwer España, 2016
Wolters Kluwer España

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