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The Effects of Coronary Occlusion Location on the RR Signal
Clarià Sancho, Francisco; Vallverdú, Montserrat; Caminal Magrans, Pere
In this article, we carry out the study of the energy contribution of theRRsignal in the three frequency bands (LF, MF, and HF) during PTCA. Furthermore, variables based on instantaneous frequency and on group delay computed from RR signal in the three frequency bands are analyzed. All these variables are calculated by applying the Choi-Williams distribution (CWD) to the RR signal. The purpose of studying these variables is to provide a punctual location of the energy in the time-frequency plane, since this can allow different kinds and locations of coronary lesions to be distinguished. This work was partially supported by the grants CICYT (97-0945-C02-01) and FEDER (2FD97-1197-C02-02), both from the Spanish Government.
(c) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2002
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

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