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Intra-specific association between carbon isotope composition and productivity in woody plants: A meta-analysis
Fardusi, Most Jannatul; Ferrio Díaz, Juan Pedro; Comas Rodríguez, Carles; Voltas Velasco, Jordi; Resco de Dios, Víctor; Serrano Endolz, Luis
The study of intra-specific variations in growth and plant physiological response to drought is crucial to understand the potential for plant adaptation to global change. Carbon isotope composition (δ13C) in plant tissues offers an integrated measure of intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi). The intra-specific association between δ13C and productivity has been extensively studied in herbaceous crops, but species-specific information on woody plants is still limited and has so far provided contradictory results. In this work we explored the general patterns of the relationship between δ13C and growth traits (height, diameter and biomass) using a meta-analysis. We compiled information from 49 articles, including 176 studies performed on 34 species from 16 genera. We found a positive global intra-specific correlation between δ13C and growth (Gr = 0.28, P < 0.0001), stronger for biomass than for height, and non-significant for diameter. The extent of this intra-specific association increased from Mediterranean to subtropical, temperate and boreal biomes, i.e. from water-limited to energy-limited environments. Conifers and shrubs, but not broadleaves, showed consistent positive intra-specific correlations. The meta-analysis also revealed that the relationship between δ13C and growth is better characterized at juvenile stages, under near-optimal and controlled conditions, and by analyzing δ13C in leaves rather than in wood. We acknowledge funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity through the Ramón y Cajal program (RYC-2008-02050 to JPF and RYC-2012-10970 to VRD) and the project FENOPIN (AGL2012-40151-C03-03) and FUTURPIN (AGL2015-68274-C3-3-R) to JV, JPF and LS.
cc-by-nc-nd, (c) Elsevier, 2016
Article - Accepted version

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