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The influence of a short study abroad experience on perceived foreign accent: an exploratory study beyond the immediate effects
Llanes, Àngels
This study examines the impact of learning context on the L2 pronunciation of 14 Catalan/Spanish-speaking children. Eight children engaged in a two-month study abroad (SA) experience, whereas six students learned English (L2) in their home school. The participants were asked to describe a picture at three data collection times, namely prior to the SA group’s departure to Ireland, immediately after they returned from their stay abroad, and a further year later again. The excerpts were presented to a group of 11 native speakers of English who rated the degree of foreign accent. Results indicate that for the SA group, the difference between the pre- and post-tests was significant, and approaching significance between the pre- and delayed post-tests. For the at-home group of learners, no significant difference was found. The present study benefitted from grants FFI2012–35834 and FFI2013-40952-P.
-Llengua segona -- Adquisició
-Pronunciació -- Anglès
(c) John Benjamins, 2016
John Benjamins

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