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Earliness per se by temperature interaction on wheat development
Ochagavía Orbegozo, Helga; Prieto, Paula; Zikhali, Meluleki; Griffiths, Simon; Slafer, Gustavo A.
Differences in time to heading that remain after photoperiod and vernalisation requirements have been saturated are classified as earliness per se (Eps) effects. It has been commonly assumed that Eps genes are purely constitutive and independent of environment, although the likely effect of temperature on Eps effects in hexaploid wheat has never been tested. We grew four near isogenic lines (NILs) for the Eps gene located in chromosome 1D (Eps-D1) at 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 °C. In line with expectations we found that lines carrying the Eps-late allele were always later than those with Eps-early alleles. But in addition, we reported for the first time that the magnitude of the effect increased with decreasing temperature: an Eps x temperature interaction in hexaploid wheat. Variation in heading time due to Eps x temperature was associated with an increase in sensitivity to temperature mainly during late reproductive phase. Moreover, we showed that Eps alleles exhibited differences in cardinal (base, optimum, maximum) temperatures and that the expression of ELF3, (the likely candidate for Eps-D1) also interacted with temperature. Funding was provided by ADAPTAWHEAT (a project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development) and by project AGL2012-35300 funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain. HO held a FPI scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and PP held a PhD scholarship from the University of Lleida. The authors thank Andreu Casellas (UdL) for his excellent technical assistance and Prof. Roxana Savin (UdL) and Dr. Laura Dixon (JIC) for their support in the organisation of the work in the UdL and JIC chambers, respectively.
-Wheat development
-Earliness per se
cc-by, (c) Ochagavía et al., 2019
Artículo - Versión publicada
Nature Publishing Group

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