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Beyond music: Emotional skills and its development in young adults in choirs and bands
Ros Morente, Agnès; Oriola Requena, Salvador; Gustems Carnicer, Josep; Filella Guiu, Gemma
Latest studies point out the importance of emotional competencies in young people's education. Music is closely linked to people's personal development and the evidence suggests that there are differences in young people who participate in group music-making activities and young people who do not. In the present study we analysed the socioemotional profile of sample of Spanish adolescent musicians who sang in choirs or played in bands. A total of 660 adolescent musicians and 655 non-musicians participated in the study, which evaluated emotional competencies, life satisfaction, motivation to study and capacity of leadership. At the same time, an ad hoc questionnaire was also administered to the musicians to obtain their academic musical profile. The results of the study show statistically significant differences between musicians and nonmusicians in all measured variables, and suggest that, in line with previous research, belonging to a musical ensemble, such as choirs and bands, is related with the development of many skills as well as self-perception. Furthermore, it promotes the development of socioemotional competencies, motivation and leadership.
-Emotional competencies
(c) autors, 2019
Sage Publications

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