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Programming and analysing measurement experiments using the PicoCricket system
Erena Estrada, Sergi
Universitat de Vic. Escola Politècnica Superior. Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Sistemes
Curs 2011-2012 The aim of this project is to get used to another kind of programming. Since now, I used very complex programming languages to develop applications or even to program microcontrollers, but PicoCricket system is the evidence that we don’t need so complex development tools to get functional devices. PicoCricket system is the clear example of simple programming to make devices work the way we programmed it. There’s an easy but effective way to programs mall devices just saying what we want them to do. We cannot do complex algorithms and mathematical operations but we can program them in a short time. Nowadays, the easier and faster we produce, the more we earn. So the tendency is to develop fast, cheap and easy, and PicoCricket system can do it. Director/a: Aleksander Zaigrajew
-Programació de sistemes (Informàtica)
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