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Synthesis and deposition of silver nanoparticles on cp Ti by laser ablation in open air for antibacterial effect in dental implants
Boutinguiza Larosi, Mohamed; Fernández-Arias, Mónica; Del Val García, Jesús; Buxadera-Palomero, Judit; Rodríguez, Daniel; Lusquiños, Fernando; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier; Pou, Juan
Silver nanoparticles have been synthetized and deposited on cp Ti substrates in one-step process by the use of laser ablation in open air. The nanoparticles are produced by ablating Ag foil using two different lasers and an inert gas jet oriented into the interaction zone to prevent oxidation and to direct the ablated material to the substrate. The HRTEM images and FFT confirmed the crystalline nature of the obtained silver nanoparticles with the presence of oxidized ones, while FE-SEM revealed that the nanoparticles were uniformly distributed on Ti substrates. The Ag-containing Ti substrates showed good antibacterial activity against Lactobacillus salivarius.
-Ablació amb làser
-Laser ablation
-Ablación con láser
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Fernández-Arias, Mónica; Boutinguiza Larosi, Mohamed; Del Val García, Jesús; Medina, Elisa; Rodríguez, Daniel; Riveiro, Antonio; Comesaña, Rafael; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier; Pou, Juan
Fernández Arias, M.; Boutinguiza Larosi, Mohamed; del Val García, Jesús; Medina, Estefanía; Rodríguez Rius, Daniel; Riveiro, A.; Comesaña Piñeiro, Rafael; Lusquiños Rodriguez, Fernando; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier; Pou Saracho, Juan María
Hoyos Nogués, Mireia; Buxadera-Palomero, Judit; Ginebra Molins, Maria Pau; Manero Planella, José María; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier; Mas Moruno, Carlos
Godoy Gallardo, Maria; Manzanares-Céspedes, Maria Cristina; Sevilla Sánchez, Pablo; Nart Molina, José; Manzanares, Norberto; Manero Planella, José María; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier; Boyd, Steven K.; Rodríguez, Daniel
Godoy Gallardo, Maria; Rodríguez‐Hernández, Ana G.; Delgado, Luis M.; Manero Planella, José María; Gil Mur, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez, Daniel