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Predicting patient-ventilator asynchronies with hidden markov models
Marchuk, Yaroslav; Magrans, Rudys; Sales, Bernat; Montanyà, Jaume; López-Aguilar, Josefina; De Haro, Candelaria; Gomà Fernández, Gemma; Subirà Cuyàs, Carles; Fernández Fernández, Rafael; Kacmarek, Robert M.; Blanch, Lluís
In mechanical ventilation, it is paramount to ensure the patient’s ventilatory demand is met while minimizing asynchronies. We aimed to develop a model to predict the likelihood of asynchronies occurring. We analyzed 10,409,357 breaths from 51 critically ill patients who underwent mechanical ventilation >24 h. Patients were continuously monitored and common asynchronies were identified and regularly indexed. Based on discrete time-series data representing the total count of asynchronies, we defined four states or levels of risk of asynchronies, z1 (very-low-risk) – z4 (very-high-risk). A Poisson hidden Markov model was used to predict the probability of each level of risk occurring in the next period. Long periods with very few asynchronous events, and consequently very-low-risk, were more likely than periods with many events (state z4). States were persistent; large shifts of states were uncommon and most switches were to neighbouring states. Thus, patients entering states with a high number of asynchronies were very likely to continue in that state, which may have serious implications. This novel approach to dealing with patient-ventilator asynchrony is a first step in developing smart alarms to alert professionals to patients entering high-risk states so they can consider actions to improve patient-ventilator interaction.
-Enginyeria biomèdica
-Mineria de dades
-Medicina preventiva
-Ingeniería biomédica
-Procesamiento de datos
-Medicina preventiva
-Biomedical engineering
-Data mining
-Preventive Medicine
-Statistical methods
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Article - Accepted version
Springer Nature

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De Haro, Candelaria; Magrans, Rudys; López-Aguilar, Josefina; Montanyà, Jaume; Lena, Enrico; Subirà Cuyàs, Carles; Fernandez-Gonzalo, Sol; Gomà Fernández, Gemma; Fernández Fernández, Rafael; Albaiceta, Guillermo M.; Skrobik, Yoanna; Lucangelo, Umberto; Murias, Gastón; Ochagavia, Ana; Kacmarek, Robert M.; Rué, Montserrat; Blanch, Lluís; Asynchronies in the Intensive Care Unit (ASYNICU) Group
Murias, Gastón; Montanyà, Jaume; Chacón, Encarna; Estruga, Anna; Subirà Cuyàs, Carles; Fernández Fernández, Rafael; Sales, Bernat; De Haro, Candelaria; López-Aguilar, Josefina; Lucangelo, Umberto; Villar, Jesús; Kacmarek, Robert M.; Blanch, Lluís
Marchuk, Yaroslav; Magrans, Rudys; Sales, Bernat; Montanya, Jaume; López-Aguilar, Josefina; de Haro, Candelaria; Gomà, Gemma; Subirà, Carles; Fernández, Rafael; Kacmarek, Robert M.; Blanch, Lluís; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Sarlabous, Leonardo; Aquino‑Esperanza, José; Magrans, Rudys; De Haro, Candelaria; López-Aguilar, Josefina; Subirà Cuyàs, Carles; Batlle, Montserrat; Rué, Montserrat; Gomà Fernández, Gemma; Ochagavia, Ana; Fernández Fernández, Rafael; Blanch, Lluís
Fernández-Gonzalo, Sol; Navarra-Ventura, Guillem; Bacardit, Neus; Gomà Fernández, Gemma; De Haro, Candelaria; Subirà Cuyàs, Carles; López-Aguilar, Josefina; Magrans, Rudys; Sarlabous, Leonardo; Aquino‑Esperanza, José; Jodar, Mercè; Rué, Montserrat; Ochagavia, Ana; Palao, Diego J.; Fernández, Rafael; Fernández Fernández, Rafael; Blanch, Lluís


