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Entorns col•laboratius virtuals asíncrons basats en Web i enfocats en la gestió del coneixement = Web-based Asynchronous Collaborative Environments Focused on Knowledge Management
Caballé Llobet, Santi
Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Report for the scientific sojourn at the University of California at Berkeley, USA, from september 2007 until july 2008. Communities of Learning Practice is an innovative paradigm focused on providing appropriate technological support to both formal and especially informal learning groups who are chiefly formed by non-technical people and who lack of the necessary resources to acquire such systems. Typically, students who are often separated by geography and/or time have the need to meet each other after classes in small study groups to carry out specific learning activities assigned during the formal learning process. However, the lack of suitable and available groupware applications makes it difficult for these groups of learners to collaborate and achieve their specific learning goals. In addition, the lack of democratic decision-making mechanisms is a main handicap to substitute the central authority of knowledge presented in formal learning.
378 - Ensenyament superior. Universitats
Educació a distància -- Ensenyament assistit per ordinador
Aprenentatge -- Treball en equip
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22 p.
Els ajuts de l'AGAUR;2007 BE-1 10025

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