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Transmission of N atoms through PP membranes for nitrogen flowing post-discharge sterilisation processes
Ricard, André; Canal Barnils, Cristina
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal·lúrgica
This work reports on the results of investigations conducted with three layered polypropylene (PP) membranes which were exposed to a N2 flowing microwave (100 W) post discharge, at several flow rates (0.03–1 Slm) and at gas pressure from 0.3 to 40 Torr. The N atoms transmission through the membrane was measured from the intensity variation of the N2, 580 nm afterglow which is related to N atom density, before and after the membranes. The results obtained showed that N-atoms penetrate and cross the membranes with a transmission factor (TN) varying from 20 to 70% during the exposure time (15 min), depending on flow rate and gas pressure. A maximum value TN = 0.7 (±0.05) is found for sufficient low flow rate (less than 0.1 Slm), that is for low flow gas velocity (about 2 9 102 cm s-1).
Peer Reviewed
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria química::Indústria dels processos químics
-Membranes (Technology) -- Materials
-Atoms -- Experiments
-Plasma chemistry
-Membranes (Tecnologia)
-Àtoms -- Estructura
-Plasma (Gasos ionitzats)
Article - Published version

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Sarrette, Jean-Philippe; Cousty, Sarah; Clement, Frank; Canal Barnils, Cristina; Ricard, André
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Lo Porto, Chiara; Palumbo, Fabio; Buxadera Palomero, Judit; Canal Barnils, Cristina; Jelinek, Petr


