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Estudio comparativo de los sistemas constructivos de muros realizados con fardo de paja en Chile y en España;
El Arte de los Fardos de Paja
Joan i Torra, Montserrat
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Tecnologia de l'Arquitectura; Universidad de Talca; Arellano Ramos, Enzo
This study has been carried out using a wide range of information sources with different bibliographical origins - from books, online journals, web pages and theses written by students across the world. Moreover, numerous resources relating to straw bale building, its origins and the building systems as well as special mention being given to the energy efficiency of these types of buildings. Furthermore, bioclimatic architecture and the passive standards applied to buildings in order for them to have the maximum energy convenience possible. The objective of this project, while taking into account the information summarised and developed in the chapter on the theoretical framework, has been to conduct a comparative study of two building systems in the world which use straw bales. We will look at a building constructed in Chile in 2013 and another one built in Spain in 2009. The building process of both buildings has been analysed as well as all of the stages of execution and the common ground they both share. Lastly, proposals have been made for the installation systems required for a house built from straw bales, the same type of building which has been analysed constructively over the course of this project, in order to ensure that the building is completely sustainable. Similarly, the way in which it will be supplied with renewable energy or how this will be produced using a system integrated into the building. These installations are the following: the heating system, hot water for human consumption and waste water, while looking at some recommendations and waste management. The comparative study of the systems shows that erecting a building in Chile or Spain uses the same or similar forms, meaning that the comparison could have been done in a single country. However, given the origins of the labour force, the purpose of the buildings or other environmental factors mean they are very different. It is only necessary to mention that the dimensions that both houses have are very different from each other, they both had a similar cost, and the uses of both buildings are different. From a construction point of view, employing techniques to economise resources for a building, in the case of Spain, it is considered more complete due to its energy efficiency and its greater use of renewable energy. For this reason, and taking into account the proposed installations, the study of renewable energy in the building constructed in Chile could be an option to further develop this area in the future. Similarly, another option would be to conduct tests on plaster or ceilings in buildings constructed with techniques using the straw bale as a building material.
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Edificació::Materials de construcció::Fusta
-Straw work
-Construccions de palla
Projecte/Treball fi de carrera o de grau
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

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