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Benefit of multiple sessions of perilesional repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for an effective rehabilitation of visuospatial function
Mor Pera, Enric; Santanach Delisau, Francesc; Tesconi, Susanna; Casado Martínez, Carlos
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis d'Informàtica, Multimèdia i Telecomunicació; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. eLearn Center (eLC)
Learning to code can be considered as one of the most representative examples of learning by doing. Programming is a skill and learning skills requires practice. Online teaching and learning depend on tools that allow students practice and teachers to monitor student progress and provide feedback. In this work, the design and architecture of an educational tool for learning to code are presented. The CodeLab tool is based on skill practice and assessment and is targeted for non-STEM students to develop computational thinking and programming competences. The tool is designed to provide an educational lab experience based on activities to practice through a conversational interface.
-learning to code
-learning labs
-learning tools
-conversation-based interaction
-dialogue-based interfaces
-interaction design
-virtual learning environments
-aprendre a codificar
-laboratoris d'aprenentatge
-eines d'aprenentatge
-entorns virtuals d'aprenentatge
-interacció basada en la conversa
-interfícies basades en el diàleg
-disseny d'interacció
-aprender a codificar
-laboratorios de aprendizaje
-herramientas de aprendizaje
-entornos virtuales de aprendizaje
-interacción basada en la conversación
-interfaces basadas en el diálogo
-diseño de interacción
-Web-based instruction
-Ensenyament virtual
-Enseñanza virtual
Conference Object
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

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Huertas Sánchez, Maria Antonia; Casado Martínez, Carlos; Córcoles Briongos, César; Mor Pera, Enric; Guerrero Roldán, Ana Elena
Huertas Sánchez, María Antonia; Casado Martínez, Carlos; Córcoles Briongos, César Pablo; Mor Pera, Enric; Guerrero Roldán, Ana Elena
Córcoles Briongos, César Pablo; Casado Martínez, Carlos; Huertas Sánchez, María Antonia; Mor Pera, Enric; Guerrero Roldán, Ana Elena
Mor Pera, Enric; Minguillón Alfonso, Julià; Santanach Delisau, Francesc
Bosco, Alejandra; Santiveri Papiol, Noemí; Tesconi, Susanna


