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Collection grid optimization of a floating offshore wind farm using particle swarm theory
Lerch, Markus; Prada Gil, Mikel de; Molins i Borrell, Climent
Institut de Recerca en Energía de Catalunya; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. ATEM - Anàlisi i Tecnologia d'Estructures i Materials
Floating substructures for offshore wind turbines is a promising solution in order to harness the vast wind potential of deep water sites where bottom-fixed turbines are not feasible. The electrical system of large scale floating offshore wind farms will experience the application of new technologies and installation procedures that likely affect the cost-competitiveness. Thus, in this work, an optimization model based on the particle swarm theory is presented that allows optimizing the collection grid of a floating offshore wind farm. The developed model is applied to a study case consisting of a 500MW floating offshore wind farm located at the Golfe de Fos in the Mediterranean Sea. The resulting layout allows to reduce the total cost of the collection grid by more than 6% and to decrease the energy losses by 8% compared to the actual layout. Besides this, a further study analyzes the effect of a quantity discount with a reduced number of power cable cross sections.
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Energies::Energia eòlica::Aerogeneradors
-Wind turbines--Design and construction
-Aerogeneradors -- Disseny i construcció
Attribution 3.0 Spain
Article - Published version
Institute of Physics (IOP)

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Lerch, Markus; Prada Gil, Mikel de; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Benveniste Pérez, Gabriela
Mancilla David, Fernando; Domínguez García, José Luis; Prada Gil, Mikel de; Gomis Bellmunt, Oriol; Singh, Mohit B.; Muljadi, Eduard B.


