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Internet of Things as a marketing tool
Garrós Páez, Alba
Ferrer Rosell, Berta; Granollers i Saltiveri, Toni; Universitat de Lleida. Escola Politècnica Superior
The aim of this project is to go deeper into the Internet of Things, commonly named as IoT, in order to explore the different possibilities it can offer focusing especially in marketing and providing a practical case connecting both fields of study. The IoT is already present in our lives with thousands of interconnected devices that monitor and analyze a large amount of real time data. This flow of continuous and actualized data becomes a great opportunity for marketers because it allows them to control and predict the market changes, explore new business models and create value added solutions to respond to the constantly changing customers’ needs.
-Internet of Things
-Business Intelligence
-Marketing 4.0
-Customer experience
-Internet de les coses
-Seguretat informàtica
Bachelor Thesis

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