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Introduction of financial data in the XBRL standard
Clos Segura, Aleix
García González, Roberto; Ruiz del Portal, X. (Xavier); Universitat de Lleida. Escola Politècnica Superior
The main reason of choosing this proposal is the idea of working on something that really synthesizes both degrees. On one side, developing a web framework covers the computer engineering part, and supposes a great challenge as it is the rst time that I have to face a project of this scope. Moreover, the framework and the tools used during the project are new for me, what meant an extra dedication to get familiar with those and domain them in order to achieve the desired result. On the other side, doing an exhaustive research of the standard covers the business and administration part, as well as making a project plan to follow during the project. The other reason to decide on this project is to create a solution for medium and small companies, that do not have enough resources to digitalize their businesses. Not having technical knowledge or having a tight budget can suppose a drawback in their digitalization process. This problem is re ected principally in small towns, such as mine, where most of the companies are family-driven ones, and can not keep on because it is a big deal to face up to. For that reasons, the proposal is attractive to me and I am determined to take it forward.
-Dades financeres
-Framework web
-Informació comptable -- Processament de dades
Bachelor Thesis

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