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Bath exhaustion in metal-free leather processes
Navarro Tovar, Jaume
Morera Prat, Josep M.; Universitat de Lleida. Escola Politècnica Superior
The study "Bath exhaustion in metal-free leather processes" aims to conduct a study on the effect of different chemical products used in the tanning industry and different wet-end processes on a wet-white raw material, with a view to the contamination of the wastewater. The problem of contamination of wastewater in the tanning industry is well known and this study will seek to find solutions and relationships between processes and chemical products to reduce the amount of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) during the tanning processes and re-tanning on metal-free free leathers. The objective is to study the fixation and baths exhaustion in these processes, recurrent products (vegetable extracts, syntans, resins and biopolymers) and fatliquors. At the same time, it will also seek to design an ecological and reproducible in industrial level and a good metal-free article as a final result.
-Tanning industry
-Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
-Adoberia--Aspectes ambientals
-Cuirs i pells--Indústria i comerç--Aspectes ambientals
-Ecologia industrial
-Cuirs i pells--Indústria i comerç--Residus
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