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Assessing e-service quality: the current state of E-S-QUAL
Petnji Yaya, Luc Honore; Marimon Viadiu, Frederic; Casadesús, Martí
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Total Quality Management & Business Excellence on 04/10/2012, available online: Purpose: this study seeks to holistically undertake a comprehensive review of the current state of the E-S-QUAL scale including methodology used, suggestions, and limitations associated with the adoption of the scale. Design/methodology/approach: The data collection process was done through an exhaustive search of the largest well-known databases and search engines such as ScienceDirect, Emerald Insight, EBSCOhost, ABI/INFORM and Google Scholar Results: The dimensional structure of E-S-QUAL appears to be very unstable, even within a given sector. However, the general results revealed that the scale is effective in capturing the core e-service quality since it has been to a certain extent successfully replicated and applied in 11 countries and a variety of e-service settings. The dimensions of Efficiency, System Availability and Privacy appear consistently in the various models regardless of the type of e-service. In contrast, the dimension of Fulfillment seems not to be generic but specific to particular e-service contexts such as web sites selling physical goods Management implication: Providing the scale dimensional structure appears to be very unstable, both scholars and practitioners must assess the underlying factor structure of their data before drawing any conclusions from their study. Managers should be careful in applying the Fulfillment dimension in contexts that have few elements in common with industry-specific which the sites did not promised about order delivery and item availability are fulfilled.
-Consumer satisfaction
-Fidelitat a una marca
-Customer loyalty
-Fidelización del cliente
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Article - Accepted version
Taylor & Francis

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Marimon Viadiu, Frederic; Petnji Yaya, Luc Honore; Casadesús, Martí
Petnji Yaya, Luc Honore; Marimon Viadiu, Frederic; Casadesús, Martí
Marimon Viadiu, Frederic; Petnji Yaya, Luc Honore; Casadesús, Martí


