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Energy dissipation in the presence of sub-harmonic excitation in dynamic atomic force microscopy
Chiesa, Matteo; Gadelrab, Karim Raafat; Verdaguer, Albert; Segura, Juan José; Barcons Xixons, Víctor; Thomson, Neil H.; Phillips, M.A.; Stefancich, M.; Santos Hernández, Sergio
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Minera, Industrial i TIC; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. SEPIC - Sistemes Electrònics de Potència i de Control
Amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy allows quantifying energy dissipation in the nanoscale with great accuracy with the use of analytical expressions that account for the fundamental frequency and higher harmonics. Here, we focus on the effects of sub-harmonic excitation on energy dissipation and its quantification. While there might be several mechanisms inducing sub-harmonics, a general analytical expression to quantify energy dissipation whenever sub-harmonics are excited is provided. The expression is a generalization of previous findings. We validate the expression via numerical integration by considering capillary forces and provide experimental evidence of sub-harmonic excitation for a range of operational parameters.
Peer Reviewed
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Física
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria electrònica
-Atomic force microscopy
-Amplitude modulation
-Energy dissipation
-Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
-Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
-Microscòpia de força atòmica
Article - Published version

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Santos Hernández, Sergio; Phillips, M.A.; Verdaguer, Albert; Font Teixidó, Josep; Chiesa, Matteo; Gadelrab,, K.; Stefancich, M.; Armstrong, P.; Li, G.; Souier, T.; Thomson, Neil H.; Barcons Xixons, Víctor
Font Teixidó, Josep; Santos Hernández, Sergio; Barcons Xixons, Víctor; Thomson, Neil H.; Verdaguer, Albert; Chiesa, Matteo
Santos Hernández, Sergio; Barcons Xixons, Víctor; Verdaguer, Albert; Font Teixidó, Josep; Thomson, Neil H.; Chiesa, Mateo
Santos Hernández, Sergio; Gadelrab,, K.; Barcons Xixons, Víctor; Stefancich, M.; Chiesa, Matteo
Santos Hernández, Sergio; Lai, Chia-Yun; Amadei, Carlo Alberto; Gadelrab, Karim Raafat; Tang, Tzu-Chieh; Verdaguer Prats, Albert; Barcons Xixons, Víctor; Font Teixidó, Josep; Colchero, Jaimer; Chiesa, Matteo


