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Cost-effective DWDM ROADM design for flexible sustainable optical metro–access networks
Sarmiento Hernández, Samael; Altabas, Jose Antonio; Izquierdo, David; Garces, Ignacio; Spadaro, Salvatore; Lázaro Villa, José Antonio
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques
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Architectural changes are required for the underlying networks to support the expected Internet data traffic volume growth caused by the popularization of cloud services, 5G-based services, and social networks, to provide a highly dynamic connectivity. Cost-effective and energy-efficient solutions for flexible network subsystems are required to provide future sustainable networks. In this paper, we present a cost-effective dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) design enabling optical metro–access networks convergence. The cost-effective DWDM ROADM capabilities also have been assessed in an ultradense wavelength multiplexing (u-DWDM) ring network scenario. In particular, achievable network throughput has been considered.
Peer Reviewed
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria de la telecomunicació::Telecomunicació òptica
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria de la telecomunicació::Telemàtica i xarxes d'ordinadors::Xarxes de banda ampla
-Optical communications
-Energy conservation
-Comunicacions òptiques
-Energia -- Estalvi
Article - Published version
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

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Sarmiento Hernández, Samael; Montero Herrera, Rafael; Altabas, Jose Antonio; Izquierdo, David; Agraz Bujan, Fernando; Pagès Cruz, Albert; Perelló Muntan, Jordi; Gené Bernaus, Joan M.; Alonso Varela, Marc; Pascual, Álvaro; Garces, Ignacio; Spadaro, Salvatore; Lázaro Villa, José Antonio
Altabas, Jose Antonio; Izquierdo, David; Pascual, Álvaro; Sarmiento Hernández, Samael; Lázaro Villa, José Antonio; Garces, Ignacio; Villafranca, A.
Altabas, Jose Antonio; Arribas, Paula; Izquierdo, David; Sotelo, Félix; Lerín de la Santísima Trinidad, Adolfo; Fàbrega, Josep Maria; Lázaro Villa, José Antonio; Garces, Ignacio; Junyent Giralt, Gabriel
Altabas, Jose Antonio; Izquierdo, David; Lázaro Villa, José Antonio; Garces, Ignacio
Altabas, Jose Antonio; Izquierdo, David; Lázaro Villa, José Antonio; Garces, Ignacio


