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Detection of stanozolol O- and N-sulfate metabolites and their evaluation as additional markers in doping control
Balcells Aribau, Georgina, 1987-; Matabosch Geronès, Xavier; Ventura Alemany, Rosa
-Dopatge en els esports
-Hormones esteroides
-Anabolic steroids
-Doping analysis
-Sulfate metabolites
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Balcells G, Matabosch X, Ventura R. Detection of stanozolol O- and N-sulfate metabolites and their evaluation as additional markers in doping control. Drug Test Anal. 2017 Jul;9(7):1001-1010, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
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Balcells Aribau, Georgina, 1987-; Pozo Mendoza, Óscar J., 1975-; Garrostas, Lorena; Esquivel López, Argitxu; Matabosch Geronès, Xavier; Kotronoulas, Aristotelis; Joglar Tamargo, Jesús; Ventura Alemany, Rosa
Matabosch Geronès, Xavier; Pozo Mendoza, Óscar J., 1975-; Pérez Mañá, Clara; Papaseit Fontanet, Esther; Segura Noguera, Jordi; Ventura Alemany, Rosa
Balcells Aribau, Georgina, 1987-; Gómez, Cristina; Garrostas, Lorena; Pozo Mendoza, Óscar J., 1975-; Ventura Alemany, Rosa
Esquivel López, Argitxu; Pozo Mendoza, Óscar J., 1975-; Garrostas, Lorena; Balcells Aribau, Georgina, 1987-; Gómez Castellà, Cristina, 1985-; Kotronoulas, Aristotelis; Joglar Tamargo, Jesús; Ventura Alemany, Rosa