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“Show me the cup”: reference with continuous representations
Boleda, Gemma; Baroni, Marco; Padó, Sebastian
Comunicació presentada a CICLing 2017, celebrat a Budapest (Hongria) del 17 al 23 d'abril de 2017.
One of the most basic functions of language is to refer to objects in a shared scene. Modeling reference with continuous representations is challenging because it requires individuation, i.e., tracking and distinguishing an arbitrary number of referents. We introduce a neural network model that, given a de nite description and a set of objects represented by natural images, points to the intended object if the expression has a unique referent, or indicates a failure, if it does not. The model, directly trained on reference acts, is competitive with a pipeline manually engineered to perform the same task, both when referents are purely visual, and when they are characterized by a combination of visual and linguistic properties.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 655577 (LOVe) and ERC grant agreement No 715154 (AMORE); ERC 2011 Starting Independent Research Grant n. 283554 (COMPOSES); DFG (SFB 732, Project D10); and Spanish MINECO (grant FFI2013-41301-P).
-Computational semantics
-Distributed representations
-Computational Linguistics
-Natural Language Processing
Conference Object
Article - Accepted version

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