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Estudi comparatiu per a/nla millora dels resultats/ndels traductors/nautomàtics de l’empresa/nAutomaticTrans
Bros Pérez, Gerard
Aquest treball pretén millorar els resultats dels traductors automàtics de l’empresa AutomaticTrans i la traducció a l’agència de notícies EuropaPress mitjançant la comparació d’un corpus de notícies en castellà amb la corresponent traducció al català per dos traductors automàtics: l’ATS1, utilitzat per EuropaPress, i l’ATS4, l’última versió del traductor
Rule-based machine translation (MT) tools are nowadays widely used in press translation from/nSpanish into Catalan due to the precise results that can be obtained between these two languages./nHowever, daily observation of the direct translations obtained through the AutomaticTrans MT/ntools at the press agency Europa Press shows that these tools need constant improvement and later/ncorrection and proofread in order to avoid common interferences at the final texts. The main/npurpose of this paper is to optimize AutomaticTrans MT results trough an exhaustive comparative/nanalysis of several linguistic phenomenon obtained from a corpus formed by original texts in/nSpanish that have been translated into Catalan by two different AutomaticTrans MT versions: the/noldest (ATS1) and the latest (ATS4). The comparison of these texts and their evaluation according/nto high language standards displays that, despite ATS4 introduces several progresses through more/ncomplex syntactic rules and improved equivalences and dictionaries, not all the problems found in/nthe ATS1 translations have been resolved. On the contrary, regarding some of the cases studied,/nATS4 worsens the results successfully translated by ATS1. The final contribution of this paper is to/nbe seen through its application in the form of syntactic rules and equivalences for the/nAutomaticTrans MT tools and meticulous search of specific problems in new corpuses
-Traducció automàtica
-Correcció de proves d'impremta
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Bachelor Thesis

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