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Cancer, Epigenetics And The Nobel Prizes
Esteller, Manel
-Premis Nobel
-Nobel Prizes
(c) Esteller, Manel, 2012
Article - Published version
Elsevier Sci Ltd

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Vizoso, Miguel; Ferreira, Humberto J.; Lopez-Serra, Paula; Carmona, F. Javier; Martínez Cardús, Anna; Girotti, Maria Romina; Villanueva Garatachea, Alberto; Guil, Sonia; Moutinho, Cátia; Liz, Julia; Portela, Anna; Heyn, Holger; Moran, Sebastian; Vidal-Bel, August; Martinez-Iniesta, María; Manzano, Jose Luis; Fernandez-Figueras, Maria Teresa; Élez, Elena; Muñoz-Couselo, Eva; Botella-Estrada, Rafael; Berrocal, Alfonso; Pontén, Fredrik; Oord, Joost van den; Gallagher, William M.; DenFrederick, Dennie T.; Flaherty, Keith T.; McDermott, Ultan; Lorigan, Paul; Marais, Richard; Esteller, Manel
Villanueva, Augusto; Portela, Anna; Sayols, Sergi; Battiston, Carlo; Hoshida, Yujin; Méndez-González, Jesús; Imbeaud, Sandrine; Letouzé, Eric; Hernández Gea, Virginia; Cornella, Helena; Pinyol, Roser; Solé Arqués, Manuel; Fuster Obregón, Josep; Zucman-Rossi, Jessica; Mazzaferro, Vincenzo; Esteller, Manel; Llovet i Bayer, Josep Maria; HEPTROMIC Consortium
Alizadeh, Ash A.; Aranda, Victoria; Bardelli, Alberto; Blanpain, Cedric; Bock, Christoph; Borowski, Christine; Caldas, Carlos; Califano, Andrea; Doherty, Michael; Elsner, Markus; Esteller, Manel; Fitzgerald, Rebecca; Korbel, Jan O.; Lichter, Peter; Mason, Christopher E.; Navin, Nicholas; Pe'er, Dana; Polyak, Kornelia; Roberts, Charles W.; Siu, Lillian; Snyder, Alexandra; Stower, Hannah; Swanton, Charles; Verhaak, Roel G.; Zenklusen, Jean C.; Zuber, Johannes; Zucman-Rossi, Jessica


