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Monitoring HIV viral load in resource limited settings: still a matter of debate?
Arnedo, Mireia; Alonso, Elena; Eisenberg, Nell; Ibáñez, Laura; Ferreyra, Cecilia; Jaén, Angels; Flevaud, Laurence; Khamadi, Samuel; Roddy, Paul; Gatell, José M.; Dalmau, David; Busia OR Study Group
Universitat de Barcelona
-VIH (Virus)
-Resistència als medicaments
-HIV (Viruses)
-Antiretroviral agents
-Drug resistance
cc-by (c) Arnedo, Mireia et al., 2012
Article - Published version
Public Library of Science (PLoS)

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Arnedo, Mireia; Alonso, Elena; Eisenberg, Nell; Ibáñez Lladó, Laura; Ferreyra, Cecilia; Jaén, Angels; Flevaud, Laurence; Khamadi, Samuel; Roddy, Paul; Gatell, José M.; Dalmau Juanola, David; Busia OR Study Group
Egaña Gorroño, Lander; Escribà, Tuixent; Boulanger, Nicolas; Crespo Guardo, Alberto; León, Agathe; Bargalló, Manel Enric; García, Felipe; Gatell, José M.; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Arnedo, Mireia
Egaña Gorroño, Lander; Martínez Chamorro, Esteban José; Escribà, Tuixent; Calvo, Marta; Gatell, José M.; Arnedo, Mireia
López-Dupla, Miguel; Maymó-Masip, Elsa; Martínez Chamorro, Esteban José; Domingo, Pere (Domingo Pedrol); Leal, Manuel; Peraire, Joaquim; Viladés, Consuelo; Veloso, Sergio; Arnedo, Mireia; Ferrando-Martínez, Sara; Beltrán-Debón, Raúl; Alba, Verónica; Gatell, José M.; Vendrell, Joan; Vidal, Francesc; Chacón, Matilde R.
Egaña Gorroño, Lander; Escribà, Tuixent; Boulanger, Nicolas; Crespo Guardo, Alberto; León García, Agathe; Bargalló, Manel Enric; García, Felipe; Gatell, José M.; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Arnedo, Mireia


