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Unpredictable bits generation based on RRAM parallel configuration
Arumi Delgado, Daniel; Gómez Pau, Álvaro; Manich Bou, Salvador; Rodríguez Montañés, Rosa; Bargalló, Mireia; Campabadal, Francesca
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. QINE - Disseny de Baix Consum, Test, Verificació i Circuits Integrats de Seguretat
In this letter a cell with the parallel combination of two TiN/Ti/HfO2/W resistive random access memory (RRAM) devices is studied for the generation of unpredictable bits. Measurements confirm that a simultaneous parallel SET operation in which one of the two RRAMs switches to the low resistance state (LRS) is an unpredictable process showing random properties for different sets of cells. Furthermore, given a device pair, the same device switches during subsequent write operations. The proposed cell is also analyzed under different current compliances and pulse widths with the same persistent behavior being observed. The features of the proposed cell, which provide data obfuscation without compromising reliability, pave the way for its application in Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) for hardware security purposes.
Peer Reviewed
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Informàtica::Seguretat informàtica
-Electric resistance
-Computer security
-hardware security
-Resistència elèctrica
-Seguretat informàtica
Article - Submitted version

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Arumi Delgado, Daniel; Manich Bou, Salvador; Gómez Pau, Álvaro; Rodríguez Montañés, Rosa; Montilla, Víctor; Hernández, David; Bargalló González, Mireia; Campabadal, Francesca
Manich Bou, Salvador; Arumi Delgado, Daniel; Rodríguez Montañés, Rosa; Mujal Colell, Jordi; Hernández García, David
Arumi Delgado, Daniel; Rodríguez Montañés, Rosa; Manich Bou, Salvador; Pehl, Michael
Rodríguez Montañés, Rosa; Arumi Delgado, Daniel; Manich Bou, Salvador; Figueras Pàmies, Joan; Di Carlo, Stefano; Prinetto, Paolo; Scionti, Alberto
Arumi Delgado, Daniel; Manich Bou, Salvador; Rodríguez Montañés, Rosa


