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Antithrombotic treatment in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation: a practical approach
Suárez Fernández, Carmen; Formiga Pérez, Francesc; Camafort Blanco, Miquel; Cepeda Rodrigo, José María; Díez Manglano, Jesús; Pose Reino, Antonio; Tiberio, Gregorio; Mostaza, José María; Grupo de trabajo de Riesgo vascular de la SEMI
Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) in the elderly is a complex condition. It has a direct impact on the underuse of antithrombotic therapy reported in this population. Discussion: All patients aged >= 75 years with AF have an individual yearly risk of stroke > 4 %. However, the risk of hemorrhage is also increased. Moreover, in this population it is common the presence of other comorbidities, cognitive disorders, risk of falls and polymedication. This may lead to an underuse of anticoagulant therapy. Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are at least as effective as conventional therapy, but with lesser risk of intracranial hemorrhage. The simplification of treatment with these drugs may be an advantage in patients with cognitive impairment. The great majority of elderly patients with AF should receive anticoagulant therapy, unless an unequivocal contraindication. DOACs may be the drugs of choice in many elderly patients with AF. Summary: In this manuscript, the available evidence about the management of anticoagulation in elderly patients with AF is reviewed. In addition, specific practical recommendations about different controversial issues (i.e. patients with anemia, thrombocytopenia, risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, renal dysfunction, cognitive impairment, risk of falls, polymedication, frailty, etc.) are provided.
-Anticoagulants (Medicina)
-Fibril·lació auricular
-Anticoagulants (Medicine)
-Atrial fibrillation
cc by (c) Suárez Fernández et al., 2015
Article - Published version
BioMed Central

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Suárez Fernández, Carmen; Formiga, Francesc; Camafort Blanco, Miquel; Cepeda Rodrigo, Jose María; Díez Manglano, Jesús; Pose Reino, Antonio; Tiberio, Gregorio; Mostaza, Jose María; Grupo de trabajo de Riesgo vascular de la SEMI
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