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Els fongs de Catalunya occidental segons les prospeccions recents. II
Llimona, Xavier; Blanco Bueno, María Natividad; Dueñas, Margarita; Gorris Galtes, Montserrat; Gràcia, Enric; Hoyo, P.; Llistosella, Jaume; Martí, Jordi; Martín Esteban, María Paz; Muntañola-Cvetkovic, M.; Quadrada Llovera, Rafael-Valentí; Rocabruna, August; Salcedo, Isabel; Sierra López, Dolores; Tabarés, Manuel (Tabarés Carriedo); Vila, Jordi (Vila i Garcia)
Universitat de Barcelona
This paper contains the conclusion of a mycological survey of western Catalonia. The first part of the results was published in Acta Bot. Barc. 45 (Homenatge a Oriol de Bolòs): 57-89. The present part covers the last two groups of Basidiomycota: the agarics (326 species) and the gasteromycetes (44 species). The data regarding the surveyed area, collection localities, abbreviations used in the information on ecology, collectors and identifiers are found in the mentioned first part, which contains records of 37 species of Myxomycota, 5 of Zygomycota, 101 of mitosporic fungi, 8 of Teliomycetes, 1 of Ustomycetes, 16 of Phragmobasidiomycetes and 92 of Aphyllophorales. Together with the first part, the results of our survey are a useful contribution to an improved understanding of the fungal component of plant communities of the dry, warm lowlands of the western Mediterranean region, and highlight the remarkable reproductive activity of the fungi observed during late Autumn and Winter, in the studied area.
-Taxonomia botànica
-Botanical taxonomy
(c) Llimona et al., 2000
Article - Versió publicada
Departament de Biologia Vegetal, Universitat de Barcelona

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Llimona, Xavier; Blanco Bueno, María Natividad; Dueñas, Margarita; Gorris Galtes, Montserrat; Gràcia, Enric; Hoyo Navarro, Magdalena Pilar; Llistosella, Jaume; Martí, Jordi; Martín Esteban, María Paz; Muntañola-Cvetkovic, M.; Quadrada Llovera, Rafael-Valentí; Rocabruna, August; Salcedo, Isabel; Sierra López, Dolores; Tabarés, Manuel (Tabarés Carriedo); Vila, Jordi (Vila i Garcia)
Llimona, Xavier; Vila i Garcia, Jordi; Hoyo Navarro, Pilar; Aguasca Solé, Montserrat; Àngel i Alvira, Francesc; Gràcia, Enric; Llistosella, Jaume; Martín Esteban, Ma. Paz; Mayoral i Casanovas, Anselm; Rocabruna, August; Sierra López, Dolores; Tabarés, Manuel (Tabarés Carriedo)
Martín Esteban, María Paz; Sierra López, Dolores
Visagie, Cobus M.; Llimona, Xavier; Vila, Jordi (Vila i Garcia); Louis-Seize, Gerry; Seifert, Keith A.
Martín Esteban, María Paz; Demoulin, Vincent; Llistosella, Jaume