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Accuracy and bias in Spanish secondary school students' self-concept of math ability: the influence of gender and parental educational level
Sáinz Ibáñez, Milagros; Upadyaya, Katja
-Math performance
-Parents¿ education
-Self-concept of math ability
-Transition to high school
International Journal of Educational Research

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Sáinz Ibáñez, Milagros; Castaño Collado, Cecilia; Artal Serrat, Margarita
Sáinz Ibáñez, Milagros; Castaño Collado, Cecilia; Meneses, Julio; Fàbregues Feijóo, Sergi; Müller, Jörg; Rodó de Zárate, Maria; Martínez Cantos, José Luis; Romano Serrano, Maria José; Arroyo Prieto, Lídia
Sáinz Ibáñez, Milagros; Fàbregues Feijóo, Sergi; Rodó de Zárate, Maria; Martínez Cantos, José Luis; Arroyo Prieto, Lídia; Romano Serrano, Maria José
Sáinz Ibáñez, Milagros; Martínez Cantos, José Luis; Rodó de Zárate, Maria; Romano Serrano, Maria José; Arroyo Prieto, Lídia; Fàbregues Feijóo, Sergi


